FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions

How do I place my order?

Simply choose your style from the drop down menu on the product page then click the “Add To Cart” button and follow the simple steps to complete your order.

We’ll prepare your order and let you know when it’s on its way!

I’m so excited to receive my order! How do I check my order status?

Just enter your order information on the Track Order page to track your order status.

I changed my mind, can I cancel or modify my order?

When you place an order, you have 24 hours to contact our customer service team and request a cancellation or modification.

After 24 hours, please be advised that any modifications should be declined.

To cancel an order, please provide all the details concerning the items you want to cancel as well as your order number.

To modify an order, please include all the details of your order: order number, style, size and color then specify the item you would like to change it for in your email and we’ll do our best to help you!

I placed my order, but I have not received my confirmation email yet.

First, double check your spam folder and other email accounts.

Can’t find it? No panic, just contact us and one our customer representative will help you!

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